Total words this semester:5150
How many total posts:39
How many posts
in October: 18
in November: 9
in December: 7
in January:5
(use labels for the following)
How many posts
about books: 13
(A christmas carol, Gulliver's travel, The Wizard of Oz, The tale of Peter Rabbit, Two boyfriends, orca, TITANIC, Give us the money, The callmof the wild and other stories, Little women, The adventures of Sherlock holmes, the adventures of Tom Sawyer, The adventures of Sindbad sailor)
with links:4
with pictures/photos:17
How many complex posts?(at least 3 links and 1 photo): 2
Sidebar: Do you have:
a labels section: YES
a Kumamoto links section: YES
other blogs: YES
(including at least 2 blogs from other classes in the WinK community: YES )
Comments (look in your dashboard):
How many comments are there on your blog? 8